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New York Times bestselling author Nicole Edwards is continuing to heat things up with Betting on Grace, a sexy new ménage novel which is the first book in a hot new series called Dead Heat Ranch.
The tables have turned on Grace Lambert. For a woman familiar with long days and hard work, she just recently discovered just how hot the sultry Texas nights can get. Finding time to spend with her two smoking hot cowboys, Grant and Lane, isn’t exactly easy, but she’s forging ahead with what has turned out to be the hottest relationship she has ever been in. The true test comes in standing up for what she wants.
Grant Kingsley has landed his feisty cowgirl, Gracie, and an equally sexy cowboy, Lane Miller, but everything outside of his romantic life has gone from routine to chaos in a matter of days. Unfortunately, he’s become rather acquainted with Murphy’s Law as he is inundated with a string of bad luck. His mother is missing, his father, a gambling addict, is worried about only one thing these days, and when Grant refuses to give in, all hell breaks loose on the ranch.
Lane Miller will be the first to admit that he falls in love easily. And he’s done so again, with both Gracie and Grant. Only this time around, he’s not giving up or giving in. Cowboys don’t know what it means to back down and Lane will ensure that the two most important people in his life get all of him, no matter what it takes.
Don't forget to read Boots Optional, the prequel to Betting on Grace, before you dive in!
Before you read Betting on Grace please, please read the short novella Boots Optional. Boots Optional shows the reader how Grace Lambert, Grant Kingsley and Lane Miller come together. Yes, this is a menage, a menage where all three members love each other.
I loved this story, these three were clearly meant to be together and this book truly had me falling in love with the Lambert family and the staff of the ranch which is very much a big extended family.
The book takes place on Dead Heat Ranch, a dude ranch owned and run by the Lambert family which is Grace, her Dad Jerry and 4 sister’s, Hope, Mercy, Trinity and Faith.
Ok back to the core of the book, Grace, Lane and Grant were characters I was rooting for in Boots Optional but Betting on Grace brought this to a whole new level. Ms. Edwards masterfully crafted the back story for each of these characters, characters that have taken up residence in my heart. I have to pause and say I love Lane, not sure why Ok maybe I know why – he is adorable and lovable and makes me smile with his wit and humor.
Mr. Lambert, the patriarch was so well written, he has unique relationships with each of his girls and his dealings with his ranch staff all build a man that felt real. Oh hint, Mr. Lambert has some heart filled moments of his own so be prepared for those.
The use of secondary characters in this book extended past those at the ranch, the use of Grant’s father truly made this story work. This was not a formula story line, the issues Grant’s father Darrell are not about Grant being bisexual. This was refreshing and what Darrell is and how it plays out in the story line was something I truly enjoyed. It added to Grant’s back story, helped the reader better understand who he was and moved the story line forward with a unique story line idea.
This story is hot, like all kinds of various positions and play on three people connecting kind of hot but for me personally “the no one touches me scene” may have been the hottest, through its flip from sexy to emotionally charged, this scene truly took this book to a new level.
As the story builds, the reader learns more about Grace’s past specifically related to her deceased mom. The use of her mom, her relationship with her mom and the bonding time with her mom grabbed my heart and then spun into a wonderful end for this book, the end of the book is also a cute tie into the name of the book.
Ms. Edwards did an outstanding job transporting the reader to Dead Heat Ranch, her masterful use of words put the reader in the middle of an active ranch; I thoroughly enjoyed all the small details; Budweiser and Dixie were adorable adds and truly helped the reader feel part of ranch life.
More to add.. I love Ben and Maddie and I can’t wait to see more as I truly hope they are woven into one of the sisters books more! Hint hint
Ms. Edwards does an amazing job crafting a personality for all 5 of the Lambert sisters; yes I now want a story and a happy for each sister. Betting on Grace had some wonderful clues and lead-ins for each sister and I know I plan to read the whole series as it releases! This is a new must read series for me.
Thank you to Ms. Edwards for another wonderful family to love! And to adding to my very long to read list.
Book .5 – Boots Optional
Book 1 – Betting on Grace
Grant, Gracie and LaneEarly morning…
Gracie hit the button to take the call and greeted Lane with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey, gorgeous. I know you’re busy, but I wanted to let you know that the three of us are goin’
out tonight,” Lane informed her, referring to her, Lane and Grant.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“What if I say I’m busy?”
“Then I’d know you’re lyin’ and I’d tell you that we’re still goin’ out tonight.”
Gracie had to laugh. Lane was right. She wasn’t busy. And she really had no interest in telling Lane
or Grant no. “Fine. What time?”
“Where’re we goin’?”
“It’s a secret.”
“Fine,” Gracie said, still smiling. “But I need to know what to wear.”
“Shorts and a T-shirt,” he answered easily.
“Awesome. I’ll see you at seven.”
7:45 pm
Grace was squished in the middle between two hot cowboys, neither of them giving her any space whatsoever and she had a feeling that was on purpose. Since Grant was driving, she couldn’t push him. And Lane… well, Lane was just too damn big which would prove to be futile if she tried to move him. And because she knew they were getting a kick out of making her squirm, she didn’t bother to ask them to move over. They wouldn’t do it anyway, so she kept her mouth shut and a smile on her face. After all, she was going on a date with Lane and Grant. Something they’d just recently started doing.
“We’re goin’ to the fair?” she asked, suddenly surprised when the bright lights from the county fair appeared in the distance.
“Yes, ma’am,” Lane answered with a smirk.
Well. Wasn’t that interesting?
Grace happened to love the fair. She figured Grant and Lane knew that because they’d known her for so long, but really, this was a surprise. They had gone on a few dates, mostly dinner, a movie, and dancing one night, but this… this was more than she expected.
As they neared the fairgrounds, her excitement level rose. Lane and Grant must’ve noticed because they each linked their fingers with hers as she sat between them. Grant quickly found a parking spot and they wasted no time getting out, although Grace did have to make a decision because they both tried to keep hold of her hands. Laughing, it turned out that Grant won, pulling her out the driver’s side. When her feet hit the ground, he wrapped his arms around her and smiled down at her.
“I didn’t think I was gonna get to make it this year,” she told him as Lane came around the truck to join them. “We’ve been so busy.”
That was an understatement, but every year, Grace had managed to make it to the fair. Usually she went with one or two of her sisters. This year, she hadn’t even stopped to think about going because of all the work going on at the ranch.
“But there’s always time for a little fun,” Lane said, reclaiming her hand and pulling her toward him. She stumbled, laughing at his excitement and they made their way to the front gate, Grant right beside her.
“So what’s first?” she asked after they went through the whole ticket process.
“This is your night,” Grant explained. “Whatever you wanna do.”
“Well, that’s easy,” Grace told him. “The rides, of course.”
Grace might’ve been twenty-nine years old, but right then she felt like a teenager. The giddy feeling she got when she went to the county fair was almost as potent as the giddy feeling she got when
she was with Lane and Grant. They made her feel things she never imagined she could feel. Every day was a new adventure with them and she looked forward to every minute.
Starting here and now.
“Who’s gonna ride the Ferris wheel with me?” she asked, looking pointedly at Grant and then Lane.
“I’m game,” Lane said quickly.
Grant, on the other hand, didn’t say anything. In fact, he looked almost… green.
“Are you scared of heights, cowboy?” she teased.
Grant’s eyes widened, but again he didn’t answer, which was an affirmative yes if she’d ever not heard one.
“Okay, then I’ll save the games for you,” she told him, stepping close and wrapping her arms around his waist. “By the way, I think it’s cute that you’re scared of heights.”
“I ain’t scared of heights,” Grant mumbled.
Grace smirked up at him. “Okay, you’re not scared.”
Grant wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him. “Be good, darlin’, or I might just punish you later.”
“Hmmm… very tempting.” Grace laughed and pulled away. “Come on, cowboy,” she told Lane. “Let’s get on that ride!”
Almost forty-five minutes later, Grace and Lane had pretty much ridden every ride at the fair – aside from the ones that Lane was clearly too big to get on. Grant had been a good sport, following them and hollering at them when he could see them. All in all, Grace hadn’t had that much fun in… well, in forever.
“You gonna win me a prize, cowboy?”
Grace snapped her head over to Lane to see he was teasing Grant, which earned him a huge grin from Grant.
“Damn straight I am. You want the big pink bear?” Grant asked Lane, laughing.
“Yup,” Lane nodded, pretending to be serious. “I want two of ‘em.”
Of course he did.
And for the next few minutes, while Grace picked at her fluffy pink cotton candy, the chatter and laughter of people scattered around her, the heavenly aroma of funnel cakes and turkey legs scenting the air, with the cool evening breeze blowing her hair, Grace enjoyed every minute of Lane ribbing Grant every
time the man missed at whatever game he was playing. Which, in Grant’s defense, wasn’t much. The man was pretty damn accurate.
“My turn,” Lane said, reaching for one of the baseballs that were resting on the counter in front of Grant.
“Have at it,” Grant said, taking a step back and pulling Grace against his side.
Grace really hoped she didn’t have cotton candy in her mouth because when Lane launched the first baseball at the bottles, she knew her jaw had practically unhinged.
“Is he serious right now?” someone from behind them asked.
“I played baseball in high school.”
That he did, Grace thought to herself. And he was freaking good.
Lane picked up another ball, launched it, hit his mark, repeating the process three more times until the kid manning the booth was frowning at him.
“Which ones do you want?” the kid asked, his thick eyebrows downturned. “You get four of ‘em.”
Lane smiled as he glanced back at her and Grant.
“Give me the biggest ones you got. And make sure only one of ‘em is pink.” Lane turned back to face the kid. “See, that’s my girl over there. She’s not a fan of pink. And that’s my guy over there, and between you and me, he loves pink.”
“Lane,” Grant growled as he released Grace’s shoulders.
Grace couldn’t help herself, she laughed. Not so much from what Lane had said, but the way the kid looked at the three of them like they were from another planet. And when Grant stomped his way over to Lane and Lane pulled him closer, the kid’s eyes grew bigger.
Yeah, buddy, I know. They’re pretty freakin’ hot together.
Grace’s cheeks started hurting from smiling so much, but she couldn’t make her lips listen to reason. She was just having too much fun.
And truthfully, she hoped it never ended.
Shannon Burdsall
OMG…loved the teaser!! Can’t wait until tomorrow!!
Judy Richmond
As always, I seek out these little extras. Thanks Nicole for giving me more and leaving a smile on my face.
I love that they can openly share their love and that each if them seem equally content.
Bring on the next book.