Unexpected Fate is the story of Cohen Cage and Danielle “Danni” Reid. Unexpected Fate, the Hope Town series, is a spin-off of her Corps Security scene. Ms. Sloan did an amazing job at making this book timeless. It is a seamless read for the reader who has had the timeline the series moved up decades; as […]
Review and Giveaway: Slow Burn (Driven #5) by K. Bromberg
Slow Burn is the story of Haddie Montgomery and Beckett Daniels.
Though readers met Haddie and Beckett in The Driven Series, this book truly is a stand alone.
Rylee and Colton, the stars of the Driven Trilogy, make wonderful secondary characters in this book!
From the opening of the book, it is clear the Becks wants Haddie but […]
Review: With a Twist (Last Call #4) by Sawyer Bennett
With a Twist can easily be read as a stand alone. Though Wyatt is mentioned in prior books, this is not a book were tension builds through the prior books in the series as the first time the reader meets Andrea is in this book!
Ms. Bennett does a wonderful job in the prologue of this […]
Review and Giveaway: Memories of the Heart by Felice Stevens
I loved this story! Dr. Micah Steinberg and Josh Rosen’s first meeting is tension filled and their second meeting is epic as these two men have grandmothers in the same assisted living facility (I am not going to say more as I think experiencing these first two scenes first hand is more fun).
I truly enjoyed […]
Review and Giveaway: The Master (The Game Maker #2) by Kresley Cole
Let it be known that I LOVE anything written by Kresley Cole. I fell in love with her Immortals After Dark series (Paranormal Romance) and she has never disappointed with her amazing storytelling skills, her phenomenal writing and characters and her ability to captivate her readers and pull them into her books. Ms. Cole is […]
Release Day Review: Spend the Night III (The Hotel Collection #3) by Elizabeth Lee
Happy Release Day to Elizabeth Lee and the final volume in The Hotel Collection – Spend the Night 3!!
I enjoyed this final installment in the Spend the Night serial! As I may have mentioned before, this is my first time reading Elizabeth Lee and I truly enjoyed my experience. I have mentioned before that I […]
Review: Garrett (Cold Fury Hockey #2) by Sawyer Bennett
Carolina Cold Fury star Garrett Samuelson, a professional hockey player, is a bachelor at heart. Garrett is stopped in his tracks when he meets Olivia Case, his teammate Alex’s girlfriend’s cousin. Oh Alex yes Alex from book 1; I want to pause here and say the bromance that develops between Alex and Garrett is epic; their banter, […]
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to THERAPY by Kathryn Perez
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to THERAPY! Read Christine’s 4.5 STAR review HERE!
Therapy is currently on SALE for $.99 for the month of February so make sure to buy a copy!
And make sure to also enter the giveaway below for a signed copy from the author – US applicants only! Good luck!
Book 1 […]
Release Day Blitz and Exclusive Excerpt: Dirty Deeds (Dirty Angels #2) by Karina Halle
Happy Release Day to Karina Halle and her new book DIRTY DEEDS! We can’t wait to read this book! Enjoy an Exclusive Excerpt below!
I could not get that man out of my head. For once, instead of thinking about pain and injustice, I was thinking about a 6’2” man with tree trunk arms, caveman shoulders, […]
Shh Moms Talking and Giveaway: The Moms Review the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie
Denise: Despite living a few miles apart and speaking almost daily, Christine and I don’t see each other often because as many can relate to…. life is just busy. I am happy to report Christine and I took some Mommy time to attend a matinee screening of Fifty Shades of Grey.
Christine: I was already planning […]