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Review: Dangerous Exes by Rachel Van Dyken

Posted on 15 November, 2018 by in Rachel Van Dyken, Review / 1 comment

Review: Dangerous Exes by Rachel Van DykenDangerous Exes by Rachel Van Dyken
on October 30, 2018
Pages: 318
Buy on Amazon

In #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel van Dyken’s scorching series, revenge is a justified pleasure…

Isla made one teeny little mistake. Now she and her PI company, Dirty Exes, are being targeted by one seriously angry and furiously sexy ex-quarterback. Jessie freakin’ Beckett. But there’s no way some NFL superhunk is going to take her business away. If only he didn’t make her so hot—and bothered.

Jessie wants payback for a ruined reputation. His plan? Top secret. His hard-to-hide arousal for Isla? Not so much. Especially when they let down their guards and sneak a kiss. Like any juicy scandal, it goes so viral, so fast, that only a good lie can combat the bad press. Mortal enemies in a fling? No way. Um…this is love!

Actually…could it be?

Isla’s not faking it. Jessie can’t. As the game of let’s pretend gets real, Jessie forgets all about revenge. That’s the problem. His plan is already out of his control. Now it could undo everything they’ve been trying to build. Coming clean may be the only thing that can save it.

I just LOVE this series! Rachel Van Dyken has this way of reeling you into a story, making you fall in love with the characters, making you laugh out loud at their banter and antics—all while creating a world and storyline that is deliciously sexy, fun, and full of love and heart.

We met Jessie and Isla in Dirty Exes and I was beyond ecstatic to see where their story would go. A little bit of background… they can’t stand each other… hate even… and Dangerous Exes is enemies to lovers/rom-com/Rachel Van Dyken at her best.

Jessie Beckett wants to take Isla down. In Dirty Exes, Isla’s PI company helped Jessie’s now ex-wife expose him for being a cheating husband, all the while SHE was the one wrong in their relationship. Now Jessie has lost all the things that meant something to him… his charity foundation he worked for, his name and reputation are smeared in the mud and he wants revenge on the one who took him down… Isla.

I have to say that from the get-go, every interaction between them had me laughing out loud—their banter so filled with fury. And let’s not even talk about Isla’s beloved Grandmother Goo-Pah. I just LOVED her and her craziness LOL

But there is something between them. Something that started off as friendship in book 1 that got tangled in the mess of his ex. That despite the words and the dislike for one another, something that connected them to each other in more than just a physical attraction sense. The trust the blooms between them is beautiful, the things that neither have experienced with anyone before—the simple touches, the kind words, the feeling of self-worth—made me want to cry because of how they were both treated by their exes in the past and how it just meant so much to come from one another despite the deceptions, despite the lies… there was something so much more between them… the love.

Isla gives color to Jessie’s life and conversely Jessie helps her truly live. I loved this book SO MUCH. Once I started, I couldn’t read fast enough. The enemies to lovers angsty foreplay played out so well and I am just IN LOVE with all of Rachel’s words. Dangerous Exes is another gem from RVD that is a must-read in my book. <3

Chapter One

There was a very fine line between love and hate.
Or in my case, a very thin fence where hate decides to set up across the street and stare at you through binoculars even though you’ve repeatedly threatened to get a restraining order.
I glared. Jessie freaking Beckett.
Ex-client of Dirty Exes, the PI company my best friend and I built from the ground up.
Ex-pain in my ass.
I heaved out a breath, that’s a lot of exes. A hell of a lot of exes. He gave me a small wave.
I flipped him off.
“He still there?” Blaire, my best friend and business partner, asked, turning the page of Cosmo while reaching for another piece of licorice.
“Yup.” The p popped on the word, my chest ached with misplaced anger-it wasn’t him I was angry at, it was the situation, the entire situation. I slammed the binoculars down, causing our receptionist, Abby, to jump in her seat.
Blaire held out the bucket of licorice. “Maybe it will help?”
“He’s trying to ruin my company, how is sugar going to help?” I paced in front of my desk and tried to think of all the ways it went wrong.
Maybe it was the fact that for the first time since building the PI company, we were wrong about a target.
His wife was our client and had hired us to catch him in the act, but she had been the real cheater in the marriage, the user, the manipulator-but all the signs at the time had pointed to him. Every damn time.
I stretched my arms above my head and then pulled my tuxedo jacket tight over my plunging white blouse. I didn’t do well with chaos.
I was a planner.
I had one Erin Condren planner for work, and another for home and recreational activities like my biweekly running and yoga sessions.
I even mapped out my meals on the front of my fridge in different-colored chalk for each day of the week. I’d never faltered in my routine, I never forgot to highlight, to color code. It was my life.
Until Jessie.
He was the wrench you throw in the perfectly good engine, causing it to sputter to its death.
I picked up the binoculars again, despite Blaire’s heavy sigh. “He’s just . . . staring right back at us. Leaning against his stupid Tesla like he owns the world. Why is he even driving a Tesla?”
“Why are we mad about his car again?” Blaire asked in a bored voice.
I glanced over my shoulder. “Don’t you have a date with your perfect man-bun-wearing millionaire hotel-empire-owner slash bartender?”
“I love that you actually included the slash.” Blaire laughed. “And yes, yes I do.” She walked over to me and jerked the binoculars from my death grip. “Give it a rest, he’s just trying to get into your head. He’s still pissed about everything that was leaked to the press.”
“That wasn’t our fault and you know it.” I put my hands on my hips. “That was his blood-sucking wife trying to make us and him look bad.”
I’m a professional.
I’m in control.
Breathe in and out.
Everything is fine.
I’m co-partner of one of the premier PI companies in Hollywood.
I’m the Beyoncé of catching cheaters with their pants down.
“Right.” Blaire nodded slowly. “But in the end it just made him look stupid in front of the entire world-in front of a world that he’s trying to make a better place through all of his charity endeavors, which means, even though he’s not a terrible person, everyone now thinks he is.”
A headache pulsed behind my temples, I rubbed my head and tried to think of a solution. It’s what I did. I fixed things. I fixed broken marriages, relationships, and if a client was too far gone and in a free fall, I handed them a safety net and made it better.
Yet every time I thought of Jessie Beckett I either wanted to inflict violence on his person, or just . . . huh, I guess all I really wanted was to fight him.
I was tall.
He was muscular.
I would lose.
He would laugh.
Plus it would mean touching him.
I shivered.
“Cold?” Blaire grinned.
“You’re still here?” I said, confused.
She shoved me toward the door. “Go talk to him, throw up the white flag, and move on. Thanks to the news, we didn’t get the short end of the stick and have a client load that’s going to force us to take on another employee.”
I sagged a bit. “Right, you’re right. Okay, I’ll just tell him it’s over. How hard can it be? He has to be bored out of his mind anyway. He’s been there all day.”
Blaire smiled and then gave me an encouraging nod before walking to her car. I gulped at Jessie and stared him down, all six foot four of him.
There were so many things wrong with him as a human that I was offended just thinking about them.
For one, his eyes were too knowing, like he’d already done a search on every single part of your body that responded to male touch and memorized it just in case he got the chance to corner you.
His light eyes against tan skin, dark hair that was a bit longer in the back, curling at the ends and making a girl think about giving them a tug.
And don’t even get me started on his muscular build.
It said one thing, in bold colors above his head, that he put physical perfection above all else and wanted everyone else to not only know it, but comment about it, appreciate it-he basically had a big giant freaking “You’re Welcome” sign hovering over him. And it irritated me.
It irritated me that when I’d tried to get close to him during our investigation, he didn’t play into my hands as easily as I was used to with most of our targets.
And to be honest, it stung a bit that when I dumbly threw myself in his face in order to distract him from Blaire-he looked at me like I was a sad excuse for bait. I’d never had a guy react to me in that way, typically it was easy to distract them, tempt them to default to their cheating tendencies, catch them on camera, and be done. But Jessie . . . Jessie hadn’t even blinked in interest-if anything, I annoyed him. Which in turn annoyed me, made me try harder to push his buttons, until he relented and we became friends.
He gave me another small wave.
I steeled my gaze and made the slow, painful walk across the street.
From friends.
To enemies.
In one final swipe.

Start reading Dangerous Exes on Amazon TODAY!



About Rachel Van Dyken

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband and their snoring Boxer, Sir Winston Churchill. She loves to hear from readers! You can follow her writing journey at

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