on January 31, 2017
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Ryder Daniels and Jason Mallory seem to have it all but even the most loving marriage takes work. Ryder's past leads him to remain silent yet resentful in the face of conflict while Jason strives to prove he can take care of his family without Ryder's wealth, even if it costs him precious time with his husband and daughter.
When a devastating illness leaves them shaken and helpless, Ryder is forced to face the one person he never thought to see again with a life or death request that even he isn't sure will be granted, but his decisions have far-reaching consequences. Believing he and Ryder have no secrets, Jason is distraught to discover otherwise, revealing yet another crack in their once-perfect relationship.
Adrift and uncertain, both struggle to hold onto a love previously thought unshakeable. A forbidden past is exposed, shocking Ryder to the core, but it means little without Jason by his side. Marriage is a partnership and both men must learn that only by working through their pain and heartbreak together can they achieve a lifetime of love.
First if you have not read Rescued by Felice Stevens, stop reading this review and go 1-click so you get to see how Ryder Daniels and Jason Mallory find love. I am sure for a new reader these two books will make an excellent binge read. Rescued was the first book I read from this author and it was wonderful to see her writing progress.
In Reunited, Ms. Stevens provides the reader with a look at these two a few years down the road; which I loved. You get to see these men comfortable in their lives; you know after many of the omg moments pass and you work to build a forever.
I so enjoyed “catching” up with Ryder and Jason. Ms. Stevens had me feeling like I was visiting with friends from the moment I opened this book.
I adored the use of the Ryder and Jason’s families and friends. There was some outstanding dialogue here! I wanted to hug Jason’s mom and seeing Ryder’s parents again… ugh… there are some truly great moments here. The twist with Ryder’s mother was outstanding! Nope, not telling read the book. This one character played so much a part of this book for good and for bad and well ….family is family and sometimes even when you don’t want them you need them (in this case in a BIG way).
In the end, the author does a wonderful job at showing that love is about loving each other each day, that love is about deciding you want a happy, that love is about taking what life gives you and making a happy from that!
This book was not filled with drama in my opinion; it was a hard look at what happens when life happens, when it throws a couple of curve balls, ones they never anticipated, when you work so hard to provide the life you want for your family, you almost forget to live now!
Please don’t freak by all the what life throws at you comments. These men build a stronger relationship through adversity and life circumstances.
This book has me feeling and loving my time in Ryder and Jason’s world.