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Release Week Review: Unforgiven (Unbreakable #3) by Rebecca Shea

Release Week Review: Unforgiven (Unbreakable #3) by Rebecca Shea

I adore Rebecca Shea and her books – she has this way with words that completely guts you emotionally, pulls you into her books and makes you fall in complete love with her characters.
Unforgiven is no different…I have been anxiously waiting for Matt and Lindsay’s story for some time having met them in earlier books. […]

Release Day Blitz: Unforgiven (Unbreakable #3) by Rebecca Shea

Release Day Blitz: Unforgiven (Unbreakable #3) by Rebecca Shea

We are so excited to celebrate the release of UNFORGIVEN by Rebecca Shea today! Trust us, you do not want to miss out Lindsay and Matt’s story!
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Book 1: Unbreakable
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Book 2: Undone
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