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The Summer I Saved You by Elizabeth O’Roark

The Summer I Saved You by Elizabeth O’Roark

I love Elizabeth O’Roark books… there is nothing she can’t write.
I was completely drawn into Caleb and Lucie’s story… Lucie leaving her gross husband to create a better life for her children and moving in next door to Caleb who ends up being her boss and so much more. You see Lucie had a crush […]

The Billionaire by Marni Mann

The Billionaire by Marni Mann

Wow! When I want a guaranteed HOT and SEXY and UNPUTDOWNABLE, I reach for a Marni Mann book because she delivers time and time again.
You always find love in the most unexpected places and that’s what happens when Jo sits down next to Jenner in Vegas.
Their chemistry and connection is instantaneous and combustible and we […]