
WOW! 5 STARS for The New Camelot Trilogy by Sierra Simone! Yes, that is shouty caps! And yes, while reading this trilogy I actually did say Shh…Mom’s Reading!
I wish I could simply say you must purchase American Queen, American Prince, and American King and that would be enough but I know it isn’t so I am going to try, TRY my hardest to relay my absolute love… ok broadline obsession with this trilogy!
I am struggling to find the words to relay my love of this story along with my admiration of the author’s ability to evoke such a vast range of emotions.
This is by far my TOP reads of the year. You will see it listed as #1 (ok maybe #1, #2 and #3) on my top list of 2017.
These were my quick notes from American Queen:
WOW… just Wow, emotion, intrigue, sex, scandal… and a hint of so much more to come! Before you dive in make sure to have American Prince loaded on your kindle! I am very much hoping the rest of the series continues to be of similar stellar caliber storytelling in this one. If it does this Trilogy will sure be on the Top List for 2017!
This is me NOW. Ms Simone did NOT disappoint. If anything I became more vested as American Prince upped the ante as things got even more twisted. By the end of American Prince, I knew I had to hear from Ash! And then American King—be still my heart! This book had such a poignant and well thought out ending to this triad’s journey to forever!
In a year when I felt so many books were lacking.. so many books just felt incomplete or rushed, this series was a breath of fresh air! Questions were answered, characters are delved into, emotions and actions were explored. A HUGE Thank You to Ms. Simone for reminding me of why I love a great book so much!
The New Camelot Series is the best menage story I have ever read—scratch that—it is one of the best stories I have ever read.
Books like these are the reason I love blogging—finding that story that moves you, that story that makes you reach out to a friend and say you have to read this book. And then re-living the ups and downs as they too get sucked into the beauty of the author’s words!
Go into this book with fair warning.. this book has kink… an undertone of BSDM that fits into each of the main characters. This element was so well done. You come to understand what Ash, Embry and Greer each get from the dynamic and how it truly works for them.
This is a layered, complex, compelling, and all-consuming story. The author’s painstakingly details bleed off the pages. This is everything I want in a story and so much more—a pure roller coaster of emotions with deep connections causing the reader to have a vested stake in the outcome of the story. This story will keep you glued to your kindle.
I am going to try to review the trilogy spoiler-free…….WARNING: Make sure to have all three books ready to dive into or access to the internet because let me tell you as each book closes you will want to dive into the next.
Speaking of the books themselves, huge shout out to Hang Le for the covers that spoke to the words inside. The scene with the blue dress that matches the cover of American Queen was so layered with heat, emotion, and depth of character connection that just looking at the book makes the images run through my mind.
Embry—be still my heart. Your love, your sacrifices—you are everything I would want in a hero and then some even when I wanted to strangle you for your sacrifice I wanted to hug you!
As I continued on my journey I wanted to know what would happen next and I didn’t want it to end. Yes, there were times I forced myself to read slow, to enjoy the beauty of the written words and the deep emotions being pulled from the reader as you connected with the character’s experiences.
This is NOT a story with drama for drama. These are three people, adults with real complications facing them as they try to make love works in the complicated world of politics. This story spans a fairly large length of time as you experience these three trying to find a balance as the world spins often times out of control. Global conflict, secrets from the past, and threats in the present all come into play here. Given the tie to the world of politics, it all just fits without feeling like added drama for drama. This story is true literacy genius!
I can NOT stop thinking about this world, these people.
Ash’s sexual history is so…. well…. so perfect for HIM. It not only gives more context to some of his character’s actions and it so perfectly fits his plans for Embry (absolutely NOT telling you need to experience THAT night it is rare passion and surrender).
With each book, the author adds a POV. This was so powerful and I loved that we didn’t lose the prior voice as the trilogy moved forward. The added POV allowed unique insights into events of the past and present. I must say the added and very unexpected POV in American King was breath-stealing; a painfully poignant scene and given my experience with the topic it is something I rarely saw about that topic (OMG so not telling read the books and live in this wow when you get to it!)
The ending of American King was everything and then some! Ash truly is The King wanting his Queen and Prince to have the love they deserve! Nope, not telling READ the series NOW. Seriously you will not regret it, well unless you have things you need to attend to in life then you might because you will not be able to put this one down!
This is the kind of story that becomes all-consuming. You will think about it when you put the book down, you will think of it as you drift off to sleep and these characters will live in your heart when you finish the book. Oh, and P.S. Greer, Ash, and Embry are real you can not tell me otherwise!
I would love for this author to write a happy to Lyr; you will know when you read the book why I would love to hear from him and why seeing him in a few years would be so perfect for a reader of this trilogy.
Candace Springstead
I finished the Trilogy over a week ago and I still think about them off and on all day. These books are the best for 2017 and will probably keep that position for yet to cy.