Simple Scripts to Support Your People through tough, trying and tremendous life moments. Speak them, text them, send them. Each simple script is like a hug that can be sent over the airwaves.
Grounded in the revolutionary VASE Method, each script is crafted with supporting your people in mind. From lost luggage to funeral planning, from heartbreak to new jobs, and everything in between, we’ve got you.
Written by Olivia and Jenny, the founders of Fresh Starts Registry, the first and only platform for everything you need to begin again, here’s everything to say when you don’t know what to say.
Simple Scripts to Support Your People: What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say was a book I picked up at the suggestion of a friend… I should probably pause and say this read is more like a guide than a book, I should also say the world might be a better place if people had this handy.
Have you ever struggled to find the right words to reach out to a friend?
Have you not reached someone who you thought was hurting because you feared you would say the “wrong” thing?
I think having this guide handy will help in those moments you are struggling to find the right words; whether it is a friend who lost someone, or a friend going through a breakup or even a tough parenting moment; the framework Olivia and Jenny layout could be very helpful.
I would recommend using the tips provides as a guide and making them feel more YOU when you use them!
K. A. Bylsma
Hmmmm…I’ll take a look…thanks.