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Devout Trilogy by Lesli Richardson (Tymber Dalton)

Posted on 2 September, 2020 by in Review, Tymber Dalton / 0 comments

Devout Trilogy by Lesli Richardson (Tymber Dalton) is a political based romance that kept me glued to my kindle and had my mind raced about these men when I had to put down the story to do things, like work and sleep. These stories combined to a 4.5 star read for me!

Sacred, Profane and Penance combine to tell an outstanding story of loss, love and a happy that though mist could never imagine for themselves is one perfect for these three men (yes I said three, this is a m/m/m menage and boy does it work)

Liam is a senator, and Daniel is a congressman’s chief of staff when Ward, Liam’s “Ghost” from his past appears well things take on a whole new dynamic for Liam and Daniel who were a happily married dom/sub couple.  There were a few time I did want to “strangle” Liam but I have to say the author did an amazing job at allowing me to appreciate why he did what he did and Daniel well I adored Daniel, he truly loved Liam all of him not just the pretty shiny parts.

Now Ward… man did my heart ache for this man…. I am not going to share more than to say you will quickly understand why he does what he does and you will be rooting for him to “fit” into the picture.

I have come to relay on this author for her ability to TELL ME A STORY….. and she delivered that in spades, the story is masterfully woven with heat and emotion with current day and past tense and in each book as you learn more about these men she shares the story without being repetitive.

Each book moves the timeline forward in the end allowing the reader to be with these men for the years it take for their forever happy to play out.

This is not a story full of angst this is a story about moving forward, about dealing with mistakes of the past while crafting a future never imagines but one so very perfect.

I am trying so hard to rely the emotions I felt while reading this without giving anything away.

The love found in the end had me smiling from ear to ear as I knew everyone got what they needed!

I also wants to add that it was so helpful to me as a reader to be able to understand what each character obtained from the BDSM element of this book.





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