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You Had Me at Hockey by Kelly Jamieson šŸ’

Posted on 10 December, 2020 by in Uncategorized / 0 comments

You Had Me at Hockey by Kelly Jamieson šŸ’You Had Me at Hockey by Kelly Jamieson
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Can a spirited, down-to-earth influencer get an uptight hockey player out of his shell?

I am a warrior. Thatā€™s been my motto since I recovered from a near-death accident when I was younger. Now I enjoy my nice, settled life in Dallas playing pro hockeyā€”a boring life is better than being dead. Iā€™m not a party guy or an adventurer; I like my routine and peace and quiet. So being traded to New York is the worst possible change that could happen. And meeting unfiltered and fascinating Sara Carrington throws my life into even more chaos.

Iā€™ve been considered weird my whole life, which is why Iā€™m still a virgin, but Iā€™ve turned it into a career with my YouTube videos. Who knew people would love watching me talk about my zits, taste-test meatless burgers, and try to learn TikTok dances! Now Iā€™m launching a podcast. Getting hockey star Josh Heller as a guest will help gain listeners for sure. I expect a bearded jock with no teeth and nothing to say, but I get a hot as H-E-double-hockey-sticks grouch with a surprisingly dirty mind. My mission to make him laugh is successful, but I want to know why heā€™s so uptight underneath that panty-dropping smile. Maybe I can teach Josh to have some fun . . . and maybe he can teach me a thing or two along the way. . . .

The themes in You Had Me at Hockey by Kelly Jamieson about the need for communication and the lesson that everyone’s experience is their own took this book to a level that transcended a romance read.

One the surface Sara Carringon and Josh Heller seem like polar opposites but both a quirky and accept their flaws… making them so very endearing.

It becomes very clear the reader from the first meeting filled with amazing banter that these two have a connection and I adored that as a reader we were so much apart of these two getting to know each and got to be part of them learning to share each other’s space.

Josh’s backstory is current and heartbreaking….and well I do not want to say more as I want the reader to experience it as I did.. revealed slowly and laced with raw emotions….

Oh…make sure to bring tissues… because Carter and his trading cards… man.. my heart…

Longtime readers of Jamieson will recognize the last name Heller….personally I read and adored her Heller brothers series years ago and was so happy to read about the next generation; Josh is Tagā€™s son from Faceoff!

I really hope we get more from the Bears Hockey Universe because Jamieson, hockey, and NYC is a hat trick!

ps…..Hunter needs a happy!



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