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Stargazer by Wendy S. Marcus 🎨 🐾 🍺

Posted on 2 September, 2021 by in Review, Wendy S. Marcus / 0 comments

Randall Dickson is coping. Sort of. An upcoming medical eval, one that could end his military career, has him stressed and making bad choices. So when a concerned friend issues a strongly-worded “invitation” to Vermont, R.D. is all in for a change of scenery, a temporary job as a bartender, and the opportunity to shake himself out of his self-destructive routine.

Then he sets eyes on his seriously sexy new co-worker…

Lily Reynolds, an artist by day, Speakeasy’s favorite bartender at night, works hard to stay positive, unlike her surly new coworker. He may be a treat to look at, but that grumpy attitude and terse manner are not her type. So when Lily finds herself in desperate need of someone to share expenses, she convinces R.D. to rent her vacant room. There’s no way she’ll find herself falling for him.

She’d like to find the secret admirer who’s leaving her secret love notes around the bar, though. But he won’t reveal himself...

This standalone contains: opposites who definitely attract, a workplace romance and an opinionated French bulldog.

I jumped at the chance to read Stargazer by Wendy S. Marcus as soon as I saw the blurb go up…. I had read this author years ago and I was excited to see she was back at it!

Randall Dickson (RD) – yes there is a cute joke in the book around his name – comes to Colebury invited by Griffin Shipley, Griff gets R.D. a job at the Speakeasy and that puts him in Lily orbit as they end up working side by side.

Lily is a hustler… working her job at the bar and running an Etsy business and when we meet her also supporting her deadbeat soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. I won’t ruin the for Dorian becomes her ex part of the storyline because well.. read it.. so good.

RD and Lily bond bonding is so enjoyable to read and the author did not use sex as a crutch to bond them, LOVED IT! The reader can feel the EMOTIONAL connection! RD’s and Lily’s shared experiences around their relationships with their moms made for some wonderfully powerful moments in the book.

These two become friends and then more before they get into bed… and then when they do…. well….. trust me it is worth the wait and laced with heat and emotion just how I like my books!

Lily’s dog, Tulip, makes for some adorable scenes in this book but also added for some additional bonding and provides insight into how caring RD is…. I LOVED how this highlighted being together is about the small things, not grand gestures. And RD’s support of Lily’s artwork and stepping up to help without being asked… swoon.

RD and Lily’s final step to forever was not rushed, it was true to the wounds both come to the relations and it was very perfect for them!

I truly hope this author continues to write… she has an amazing ability to bond characters and to make the reader feel.


Side notes:

I loved that RD’s description matches the book cover (yes, pet peeve)

This book is 100% standalone… it is simply part of the Speakeasy world set in Sarina Bowen’s True North Series inside of that series is the telling of how the Speakeasy came to be (I LOVED this book)

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